

Created by Stranger Games Studio

1-5 players. 30 mins per player. Adventure board game which takes a humorous twist on fantasy tropes. Kabula offers a sandbox RPG experience, tameable monsters, absurd encounters and strategic combat. Find out more at Recommended for 16+ but icons allow to filter cards to make it accessible to a broader audience

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Automa Cards and Nuns everywhere, save yourself!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 03:33:13 PM


Here we go again guys, another day has passed and another stretch goal has been unlocked, thanks for your continuous support!

A few words on automa cards, as we are very proud of how much game content we fit in them :)

They are AI cards for heroes. With this stretch goal, solo gamers can play with the rules for the multiplayer game, instead of using the alternative ruleset (which we love by the way). But they can also be used to simulate higher player count when playing in 2 or 3 players. This is quite cool if you like to have a crowded board or less of a head-to-head feel.

As you can probably imagine, each hero plays and feels very differently, in line with their unique personalities. And of course they're simple to use, we think complexity should only be in how you outsmart them :) Some more info coming soon!


The next stretch goal is Oscar, a new monster that you can tame as your familio!

Oscar. His mom wanted to call him Peter. Artwork by Maxime Minard

Our 3D artist is looking forward to make the sculpt for the miniature, so if you want to make his dream come true, you can help us unlock Oscar by spreading word of Kabula where you deem appropriate: Youtube comments, Facebook posts, public toilet walls. Every help is hugely appreciated.

Late Bird Extension

We were asked by a few backers about the extra hero, Sister Chastity, which was free for the first 48h. 

Chastity will be available at the Pledge Manager for 12€, but we wanted to find a way to extend the gift to late backers as well. For a new company such as ours, those who are aware we exist during the first 48h, are a minority.

We decided to extend the EB gift to all of those who back one of the physical packages DURING THE CAMPAIGN, if they ALSO have subscribed to our mailing list.

To subscribe, go to:

Those who did it within the first 48 h will of course get Chastity, whether they are in the mailing list or not. They already deserved her!

We hope this solution makes everybody happy, feel free to share you thoughts with us!

As a technicality, to back or not to back is not an easy question, and cancelling and pledging again is fairly common. We won't be playing backer-police, of course. Nobody will check what you do on a daily basis. The conditions for the gifts are:

1) At the end of the campaign you are backing a  physical pledge. 

2) When you complete pledge manager you are in our mailing list. 

If these 2 things check out, you get the extra hero.

Similarly for the 48h Early Bird, the conditions are: 

1) At the end of the campaign you are backing a  physical pledge. 

2) At the 48h time stamp you were backing a physical pledge. 

If these 2 things check you get the extra hero.

Hope this makes sense :)

We will of course be happier if you leave your pledge with us the whole time, so it's easier to unlock more content but that's up to you :)

Let us know any thoughts and thanks again for your continuous support!

What a journey!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 08:18:58 PM

We are less than two days into the campaign and are already unlocking stretch goals :) 

Thanks everybody, we hope you realize that what you are doing is great!

We unlocked 10 new encounters, bringing the total to 50, which is 67% more than what the reviewers played with (someone call jelly camp, please, they may need it).

We also unlocked 10 new items of a new type: "familio gear", which will give a boost to your pet ally!

Here you have another couple of draft cards for you to get an idea :) 

Familio Gear draft number 2

As announced on the page, from 30 k we'll start unlocking a few monsters, increasing the amount of miniatures for you painters (and hoarders alike, we don't judge). But since mid-campaign funding is supposed to be slow, we are preparing a surprise before that. We'll disclose it later on today :)

Finally, a new review about Kabula has just been released!

We had the pleasure to play with Mirko over discord and then sent him a physical prototype. 

He's a great guy and if you understand Italian, you should definitely follow La Tana dei Goblin! 

(If you don't understand Italian: he basically says that Kabula is the best game ever made)

(OK. Maybe he doesn't say that explicitly, but he liked it! :) )

Speak to you soon guys, keep throwing ideas at us, we are taking notes!

Funded in nanoseconds!!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 11:03:14 PM

Funded in nanoseconds!! 

We won't specify how many nanoseconds, so no physicist can come and poop on our little party :)

You're absolutely great, we can't thank you enough!

Now that we are fully funded we can start thinking of stretch goals. 

One request we had from basically everybody, was to increase the number of Encounter cards so we are going to do this! 

Nonetheless, just saying "here you go: 10 more encounter cards" is pretty unexciting. The cards are great of course, but "10 more cards" just sounds uninspiring, almost lazy on our side.

So in the next stretch goal you will get 10 more encounter cards but ALSO 10 more item cards of a new type, which didn't exist until few weeks ago!

Items are divided in snacks, weapons and armours. The next stretch goal introduces familio gear cards! Be ready to pimp your pet like there's no tomorrow!

Familio gear cards drafts

These are drafts, but as you can see Dario has started on the illustrations and we're sketching ideas :)

Do you like them? What kind of content would you like us to unlock? We have to be reasonable with finances, but will try to come towards you as we can!

Speak to you soon!

Antonio and the Kabula team