1-5 players.
30 mins per player.
Adventure board game which takes a humorous twist on fantasy tropes. Kabula offers a sandbox RPG experience, tameable monsters, absurd encounters and strategic combat.
Find out more at www.strangergames-studio.com
Recommended for 16+ but icons allow to filter cards to make it accessible to a broader audience
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Good news, Kabula people!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 11:28:27 AM
Good news, Kabula people!
Shipping and Pledge Manager
After our previous update, we were notified that our shipping estimates would need to be updated due to the war and fuel cost increase. These changes affected some regions more than others. Luckily, we had been conservative and the prices we showed in our campaign page are almost spot on!
For most countries, cost of shipping for the Light and Big Packages are nearlyunchanged. Pheeeew!
More often than not, cost of shipping for the Huge Package is lower than expected, due to everything being fitted in a single box. Hooray!!
For a few countries, cost increase was so high that the other factors could not balance it. Since we were already discounting the Huge Package in those areas though, the difference with respect to the estimates will still be minimal.
Giving the global situation, it seems like things went alright. Nobody should pay more than 1-4 euros more than expected and many of you will hopefully save something!
We are almost done with setting up Pledge Manager and we will soon submit it to Backerkit for approval. Reasonably, it will open next week!
Survey Results
With our previous NEWSLETTER, we asked for your opinion on a few subjects.
Thanks to all of those who shared their thoughts, it was massively appreciated! (Thanks also for spotting a few mistakes and commenting on them. Thanks to you we were able to fix them right away!)
An overwhelming victory for the free shaped standees, we can't but obey your wishes!
You guys also seem to really like neoprene mats, and the quotes we just received are good enough, so you can expect it as an add-on during PM :)
We are still processing your feedback on the t-shirts, more info coming soon.
Cool Stuff
Showing off some of the latest artistic achievements of our team!
Wild Willy, 3D sculpt by Rod Tinapay
Chastity's personality card drafts: Lust, Gluttony, Pride. Illustrations by Dario Di Bartolo
Game Making
We are constantly working on balancing and improving our content. The last two weeks we focused on:
Rebalancing some of the playable heroes asymmetric powers. They all look ripped now.
Streamlining the hero automas and pushing even more their thematic differences.
Reworked some graphical aspects.
More general balancing on everything, guardians etc.
Everything is looking pretty sharp! To be honest our biggest issues are with Shaggy the Guardian: It's cool, but still not as awesome as the others. We are trying a slightly different solution for it and will be testing it extensively in the next days.
How can you help?
We will be having almost daily playthrough during the next two weeks. Our goal is to get everything finished by June, so if you want to jump on our Discord channel for a game on Tabletopia, just please do!
Version 14 of the rulebook is up on the usual folder, still not a final version, we have to turn the glossary into an index etc, but if you want to comment there it would be really appreciated!
Is this it? I think that's it. If you have any questions please do ask!
Thanks for reading and see you in two weeks for our newsletter!
Monster Design//PM update//Feedback on Rulebook//New merch?
almost 3 years ago
– Mon, May 16, 2022 at 11:04:01 PM
Hi all,
Here you have the MOST ANTICIPATED update of the month (don't destroy our little delusion please)!
Hope you enjoy the read, but if you only care about PM related news feel free to skip to the proper section below!
In our previous newsletter, we stated how happy we were with the improvements to our monsters. Let's dive a little deeper, so that you can get the feel of what we are actually doing.
We had two design goals:
1) Some familios were mostly useful for battle but we wanted to extend their full potential in the entirety of the game.
2) Some of the familios were obviously better than others.
Additionally, as a general rule for the whole game, everything needs to feel as thematic as possible, with as little rules as possible. Also, every change we make needs to also improve the rest of the game :)
Reusable Coffee Cup - Card Evolution (art by Maxime Minard)
Changes made:
1) Many familios were given the ability to get Part tokens in different and thematic ways. These Parts can then be used by the same familio or by the Hero, mitigating the risk of finding an Item and not being able to use it , which was one criticism we got from Play Games Lose Friends and Shelfside.
2) Defend and Attack actions were rebalanced. Familios are now more even and asymmetric.
3) A series of highly thematic and unique actions were added to many monsters, for example:
The Reusable Coffee Cup can now move Parts to the Rage box. This means that you can use it to boost your hero as you would with a cup of coffee, avoiding the need to Rest and allowing for more powerful attacks.
You can now eat the McYummy! For each Part (any token) it spends on your hero space, your hero will Heal 1 hp while the McYummy loses 1 hp. As a matter of fact you can use it as an extra hp storage.
Sucko has two actions, a weaker attack that absorbs hp from the enemy, storing blood in its tail, and a Tail Slap attack whose value increases as its hp increases. So you can go around the map fattening that Tail in preparation for the end game battle.
These are just some examples, and it is somewhat easier to make them with monsters. A similar process is being followed for the rest of the game: Items, Hero powers and Guardians.
We are not changing any rule really, we were happy with the game already. All the work we are doing is aimed at removing any "Meh" moments and at making the player feel more in command of how they wish to play.
Miniatures & Shipping
30 out of the 32 sculpts we need are completed. We are only missing Shaggy and Wild Willy.
A Peeping Cobra observes a Weretesticle looking for its twin under the Isochore's throne. 3D sculpts by Rod Tinapay.
The sculpts have all been sent to Gameland last week. We are waiting for any feedback on revisions necessary before manufacturing and, according to the amount of work required, we'll book a slot for manufacturing during the Summer.
We'll also get a final estimate on the weight and size of each package, which in turn we'll send to ShipQuest to update our quotes on Shipping costs.
At this stage, we have no reason to expect any major difference with respect to what was quoted during the campaign, we had also given ourselves some margins for extra weight, so let's be optimistic and see what happens.
Pledge Manager & Extra Merch
We have been working on our Pledge Manager and Pre-order Store with Backerkit and are almost ready. What we miss are the updated info on shipping costs. The way we will deal with shipping is through whole order weight, so that we avoid to charge you more than needed.
We may make it for May, as we originally planned, but more likely PM will open in the first half of June.
Apologies for the delay, hopefully this doesn't cause you any problems.
We are still on time to add merch if there's something you think we should offer that we haven't thought of yet. Maybe T-shirts with the Peeping Cobra? Mugs with the Weretestic...mmm maybe not that.
One backer asked for a neoprene map during the campaign, but we couldn't afford it at the time, we may add it as stretch goal during PM if many want it?
Any other ideas are welcome!
Rulebook Feedback
As mentioned in our previous newsletter, we have been working on the rulebook and are now ready for your feedback! If you want to have a read and comment, this would be highly appreciated and make the end product better for everybody. We would also mention you in our credit section for eternal glory and recognition. Here you have the folder where we'll keep all the iterations. Please comment on the most recent one only!
PS this is a Work In Progress: Many images still have to be updated to the latest graphics and we'll finalize format once the text is approved.
We actually had a couple more of things to discuss and for which we need your feedback, but since this is already too long we'll keep them for the next time!
Unless we open PM in the meanwhile, in which case we'd clearly notify you, we'll have a newsletter on 30th May and another KS update on 13th June, four weeks from now. Be well in the meanwhile and thanks again for all your support!
You can find Kabula at:
Extra content (free), New Art, Playtesting
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 01:01:08 AM
Hi all, we hope the last few weeks treated you well :)
Things with Kabula are coming along smoothly.
Content: We decided to include 10 extra Encounters and 5 extra Dungeons for free in the Conspiracy Expansion. Discussing with Gameland, we realized this would come at no extra cost for us and we are committed to fit as much value for you as we can. Hope you will enjoy playing with them!
Across the whole game there will be 95 Encounters and 30 Dungeons (each with 2 levels). Of these, 89 Encounters and 21 Dungeons have been written already!
As announced two weeks ago in our newsletter, all the rest of the content (monsters, items, guardians, automas etc) is already finished and is being playtested thoroughly.
Miniatures: Our amazing Rod Tinapay has been hard at work on the sculpts! We only miss 4 right now, once they are done all files can be submitted to Gameland and we can book a slot for manufacturing (still forecasted for July!). You already knew the ScondrEgg, but we think Oscar came out very cool as well!
Oscar and ScoundrEgg. Sculpts by Rod Tinapay.
Illustrations: The awesome Blanka Sőre finished the three illustrations for Gotzo's personalities!
Rioter, Kabula-Negationist and...OMG, is that a Were-Testicle he is proposing to?? That naturelover-romantic personality is definitely pushing some boundaries!
Illustrations for the three personality cards of Gotzo by Blanka Sőre.
What's yetto be done? Most of the content is ready but we need some more work to balance everything and make sure all is as entertaining as it can be. The Guardian Shaggy is still a bit clunky and we need some more graphic design to make things pretty and easy to understand. Most of this happens through playtesting: Multiplayer, solo, in person and online. If you want to participate in, or witness, some of our games on Tabletopia, join us on Discord.
In the last month, we changed some minor rules, improved AI and reworked the personality traits, removing DELUSIONAL. We are now getting back to the rulebook to update everything and make it as clear as possible!
Our schedule has the next newsletter on 2nd May and next KS update on 16th May (which should be close to PM opening!). If you are interested in more occasional content, you can check our FB or IG pages.
Thanks as always for all your support through this journey, we are loving making this game!
Any thoughts or question?
Content creation, playtesting, Chastity confirmation mail!
almost 3 years ago
– Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 07:29:34 AM
Hi there,
Hope you are doing great!
Quick update to let you know that things on our end are proceeding as planned :)
We are on schedule to open Pledge Manager in May and start manufacturing by early July.
We are deep in the process of content creation and testing. If we keep this up, all content will be ready by the end of March, which leaves us with a couple of months to polish balance while things are getting print ready.
We are playtesting so much that we ended up improving some details of the pre-existing rules. Very minor changes, but we get very excited when we can make the game better without making it more complex. (This was on how wild monsters move!)
Playtesting prototype, your copies will be produced properly (no paper bananas!)
This Thursday we finally managed to do some playtesting in person! 5 player game facing Bibi and Bobu! The next open play session will be online on Sunday at 7pm CET.
If you backed the Light, Big or Huge Package, you should have received a mail from us regarding Sister Chastity. If you did not, please check your spam folder or drop us a message here on Kickstarter. Same if you think the info in the mail does not apply to you.
Next update will be in 4 weeks, but we'll share some art in 2 weeks with the newsletter :)
What have you been up to? Any suggestion for more content we should make? We still have some room for items, encounters and dungeons :)
Speak to you soon!
We did it!!!! + Next steps :)
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 07:34:02 AM
We did it!!!
Thanks so much for supporting Kabula!
You people have been amazing in allowing it to become a reality :)
We are all together in this, WE did it together! Thanks so much!
You also unlocked a few stretch goals on the way, more cards, mechanics and monsters! The last one was this beautiful blood sucking gecko. Be careful not to let it binge though, its tail may explode!!
Illustration by Blanka Sőre
This brings the pool of tameable monsters in the core game to 19! We had planned a 20th monster, the Were-Testicle, let us get back to you about it in some time, of course we will find a way to include it :)
What is going to happen now
Your cards will be charged soon (or have already been) make sure they are OVERLOADED WITH CASH and your bank authorizes Kickstarer to get the payment :)
If you backed a physical pledge, you will receive a confirmation of your Extra Hero Gift within a month, if you are in our mailing list. If you are not, we will still contact you and ask if you want to join. It may take us few weeks to get your mails from Kickstarter, which is why you need to wait a bit longer.
It is our intention to open Pledge Manager in May and close it at the end of June. We don't want to open it until the factory is ready to manufacture the miniatures and we don't want to keep it open longer than necessary. We want you to get Kabula within one year from now and we'll push for this.
What are our plans
First of all we'll go out and get absolutely was...ehm, we'll take a rest from the screen and Kickstarter for one day or two.
We are going to spend the next two months finishing the new content we unlocked, the last artworks left, and playtesting. We will run open playtesting sessions through our discord channel at least once a week, any volunteer is very welcome :)
We will keep you updated. We don't want to spam too much: We will send one newsletter and one KS update a month, they will be staggered by 2 weeks and have diversified content. For more immediate communications you can keep an eye on our socials.
All links are at the bottom of the campaign page!
For any questions let us know :)
If you can, have a toast for us tonight, we'll sure have one for you!