

Created by Stranger Games Studio

1-5 players. 30 mins per player. Adventure board game which takes a humorous twist on fantasy tropes. Kabula offers a sandbox RPG experience, tameable monsters, absurd encounters and strategic combat. Find out more at Recommended for 16+ but icons allow to filter cards to make it accessible to a broader audience

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Micro Update and Name Survey!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 07:07:20 AM

Hi all! In theory we have an update scheduled for today, but we wrote a newsletter only one week decided to postpone one week, hope this is cool with you!

If you missed the newsletter, here it is, (no need of subscribing, you can just read!) it deals with the fulfilment of Kabula and shows rough prototypes for two new WIP games. For those who want to help us, we have an open debate on Discord to rank and even propose a name for one of our new games!

Speak to you in one week with a more conspicuous update, take good care until then!

Sailing Kabulas
over 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 08:04:27 AM

Hi all!

Hope August is bringing you all the best an August can bring :)

Only good news on our side. In short: Kabula copies are heading to the hubs, the How to play video is ready and...we're officially on holiday for 2 weeks.

Kabula Manufacturing

Kabula Manufacturing has officially ended and Bangwee Games has arranged all the boxes in cartons and pallets, following our instructions. With the help of ShipQuest, the freight is booked and the two ships are leaving this week.

We should be perfectly on time to deliver in late September, as announced a few months ago. 

To be on the extra safe side, we also arranged a small air freight to Cyprus, so that in case things are 1-2 weeks late, we'll have some copies for the Cyprus Comic Con on 7-8th October, but we hope that this is a useless precaution and that you will all be playing by then.

And to help you play as soon as you get your copy, here is the How to play video we promised you!

How to play Kabula

It took a while to shoot and edit this video, and while we can't say it is as professional as we'd like it, it does its job pretty well. 

It's not as thorough as a rulebook, but it explains about 95% of the rules in about 25 minutes.

Is this how we explain Kabula to a new player? To be honest, no. New players do not need to know everything to play. You only need one person to know what happens when you provoke a monster for example, or how to determine the target of an attack. When we play with somebody new, we start by playing a couple of rounds to get them up to speed with the basic actions (possibly co-op, everybody against the Guardian, without encounters, dungeons and hashtags, just moving, attacking and defending, to get used to how the Part system works) and then we reset the game and include more elements as we go. It's very easy once the basics are down.

We'll work on a small tutorial with such example when we are back from the holidays. In the meanwhile, let us know if there is anything unclear!


For us it's quite difficult to actually go on holiday. As we have full time jobs and work on Stranger Games Studio at night, a part of us goes like "that's great, I am on holiday now, I can finally work full time on board games!". But this is sustainable only up to a point, the last year was quite a long one and we need a tiny break.

For the next two weeks we'll be mostly off. We will keep working on our new prototypes but in physical form, avoid most admin work and chill as much as we can.

We will still monitor our channels, but please do not panic if we are slower than usual in our replies, we still love you as much as we did when the project funded :)


As usual, thanks for all your support and let us know your thoughts on the update :) Next one in 4 weeks!

Address locking on July 31st!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 04:52:22 AM

Hello guys,

This is not a real update, just a service communication:

Pledge Manager closes on July 31st.

This includes locking all addresses.

Please make sure your address is correct!

You can check that you are all set on Backerkit.

Manufacturing is almost complete, and freight will start as soon as possible in August! 

These are your monster cards being printed, visit Backerkit and make sure they get to the right place!

See you for the real update on August 7th, with more news and pictures!

Great news + Bibi's banana is doing great.
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 08:30:04 AM

Hello guys,

Hope you are doing great, the short version of this update is that (for once) everything is going as planned, but here you have some more details and pics :)

Production & Logistics

Manufacturing is proceeding smoothly and should be done within a couple of weeks. Our logistics partners at GameQuest are almost done arranging for freight. No changes in our end of Summer delivery timeline :)

 Just to keep you a bit on your toes we will share a little story.

A couple of weeks ago we received this picture (just to show us the color of the miniatures)

Horror shock, what happened to the banana?

We loved the levels of details in the texture of Bibi, but what had happened to Bobu's banana?

We had known that the guys at the factory would make some minor modification to the banana to make it easier to mould.  When we saw this, we got very scared that the modifications had gone a bit out of control. 

A series of mails followed.

All was fine all along!

Luckily, that was just a picture of a defective part!

We doubt that anybody felt so happy as we did about a banana, but if it happened, we probably don't want to know the story.

Since then, we got more pics of the other minis, and we love them, they are way more detailed than the 3D printed versions we got in the pre-production copy, and they must be awesome to paint. 

Actual miniatures, injection moulded, the ones you will get in your game!

We asked for more pics, we will share those we get in the next update!

In the meanwhile, we have been busy shooting a How to play video.  The complete voice-over is ready and edited, we still need to finish shooting and then combine everything. We would have liked sharing the finished video with this update, but to be honest this is not top priority, and you will still get it before you get the game, pinkie promise! 

New Games

With our last newsletter, we half-announced an Egyptian themed, area control-kind of game we are working on. Nothing is official by far at this stage, we mostly wanted to share a survey and get early feedback from you. 

If you haven't read it yet, you can find the newsletter here.

Thanks for reading!

I think that's it for this time, but please let us know, did we miss anything? Would you like some more info on anything? We are here for you like you have been here for us during the campaign :)

Go, Kabula, Goooooooooooo
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 03:48:07 PM

Hello guys, 

Hope you are all doing great and keeping fit and happy!


  • Pre-production copies have arrived.
  • We submitted all our final requests to BangWee GM.
  • Metal molds for the miniatures are finished.
  • Manufacturing should be finished within a month, and we hope for freight to our hubs to be done by the end of August. 

We are not beating any KS speed record, but things are going pretty smoothly right now!

Pre-production copies

If you are in our mailing list, you already know that we received the copies shortly after our previous KS update and you have already seen a bunch of photos.  If you are not, you can read it here and (if you REALLY want) subscribe here

We were supposed to make a How to play video, and soon will, but did not manage yet. Instead, we kept revising files and going back and forth with the manufacturer. We didn't sleep much.

We have also been playing quite often. Yes, that doesn't sound like work but well, we had to do it!

Kabula night (and days) at Demospel (Leuven) and Kings & Queens (Brussels).

We played with many new players, had some of them going through the rulebook, looked at how they interacted with the components etc. Overall, the game had a great success, and we can't wait for all of you to get your copies!


The revisions we requested include some specs in the storage solution. We know many of you care about sleeving cards, and our previous indications were not followed accurately enough to allow it for all cards.

We also went again through all print files and fixed a few typos, some wrong references in the rulebook, some icons which had moved around while getting the files ready etc. 

Here you have a couple of videos, made today, of Antonio going through the content of the pre-production copy, until his phone bails out and moves to a tropical island to retire.

Start from the first one, don't jump straight to the minis, they're 3D printed anyway!!

What do you think? Would you like to see some components in more detail? We actually left out the cardboard coins and Parts as they were not in the box and the phone storage space ran out too early!

Thanks for the support so far and for reading the update :) 

If we have missed anything in this update, just let us know in the comments and we'll get you the info.

As a last note, when playing in board game cafes, we usually advertise it through our Instagram...considering the satire we make around socials, we shouldn't ask you to follow us, but if you are in Belgium, it could be useful (and soon this will happen also in Italy, Cyprus and the UK, just not sure in which order!) 

Speak to you soon!