

Created by Stranger Games Studio

1-5 players. 30 mins per player. Adventure board game which takes a humorous twist on fantasy tropes. Kabula offers a sandbox RPG experience, tameable monsters, absurd encounters and strategic combat. Find out more at Recommended for 16+ but icons allow to filter cards to make it accessible to a broader audience

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Storks are carrying our babies!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 08:18:59 AM

Hi all,

Hope this finds you in great shape!
Today we are talking about Kabula delivery and everything you need to know about it.

This includes:

  • When you will get your game.
  • How to start playing asap.
  • What to do if you need help.
  • What we expect in the future.

Kabula Fulfillment

As of last week, the fulfillment of Kabula from the UK hub has finally started. All packages have been dispatched and we reckon most (if not all) of backers in Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa should receive the game within 2 weeks. Some already have!

Ark Transportations is handling the fulfillment from the USA hub. They were closed a few days for Thanksgiving but will package Kabula copies from the 30th November with dispatch starting next Monday (4th December).

In short, the time has come, you should all get Kabula very very soon!!

Real pic of a real copy of Kabula sent to a real backer (and friend). We still didn't get our copies :(

We want you to play!

Kabula has been a huge part of our life for the last 3 years and we are super excited for the people who believed in us (you!!) finally getting it. This is where the real fun starts, and we look forward to hearing of your adventures in the world of Kabula!

Different people learn in different ways. We are reposting below some tools that may help you.

How to play Kabula - from Set-up to End-game, systematic rules explanation.

Battle Tutorial - a fake co-op scenario to get acquainted with the basic concepts.


A rulebook - you know what a rulebook is.

 Discord Channel 

Join our Discord channel - It's free and you can ask us any question directly.

Support & Box Content

As it is in the nature of things, some of you may have issues with your order. We cannot prevent this from happening, but we can make it easier for you to deal with the issue and avoid that you have to go through a third party to receive support.

If you think anything is wrong with your order, please contact us directly. Our official mail is [email protected] but you can also use our socials or Kickstarter messages, as you prefer.

Please note, the component list is not inside the rulebook (as the rulebook is the same for all packages). Component list for each box is on the back of each box.

The only thing not in the list should be the extra hero, Chastity the battle nun. If you should have received her and didn't, let us know and we'll send her your way as fast as her monastic schedule allows it!

Next update will be important!

You may have noticed that there was no newsletter last week: We are combining it with the KS update we should have sent next Monday in a single message for both platforms. We'll do the same right after Christmas and then rework a schedule for 2024.

We had to focus this update on what is going on right now. But we are working on two new projects and want to share more about them; We'd also love to work on more Kabula soon.

By our Christmas update, everybody will have received their game (either from Santa or GamesQuest) so it will be a good occasion to write down some reflections and put things into perspective. What we did right, and what we did wrong, and what our plans for the future are.

We also want to get as much feedback as possible on the game itself. We know some of you have a long list of unplayed games, waiting on a shelf but we selfishly hope that Kabula will jump the queue :) Don't postpone it. When you get your copy, set a day and go for it. You won't regret it!

Antonio, Miguel, Kyriakos, Mario, Dario.


Right now, our STORE is open, if you know anybody who may still needKabula, feel free to share the link.

And yet it moves
over 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 11:11:47 AM

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all doing great and keeping happy.

As you may have noticed (e.g. from the fact that you don't have Kabula yet), our fulfilment is very late. 

Nonetheless, as of today Backer data analysis is complete. We cross-checked a good number of orders and gave the get go signal.

This is not a dispatch notice, but at least things are moving forward, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

UK Hub

If you are in the EU, UK, Australia...or basically everywhere which is not the USA, Canada and Mexico, you should have already received a mail to confirm your address, just a few hours ago.

if you are personally receiving a physical copy and did not receive any mail, please - check your spam and then - let us know immediately, so we can support you!

Please make sure your address is correct as soon as possible, as of Thursday 9th, everything will lock as it is.

You already confirmed your address with us, but this is to check that nothing went wrong when GamesQuest modified the files.


If you are based in the USA, Canada or Mexico, you will receive a mail to confirm your address from ArcLogistics. We do not know exactly when this will happen, as we are bound to deal with them through GamesQuest. 

Our assumption is that fulfilment from the USA hub will be smoother than from the UK, now that data analysis has completed, but please let us know for any issues you may encounter and check your spam occasionally, in case you miss their mail.


Thanks a lot for your patience over these long waiting times, we really appreciate your support. While the game will be funny, waiting is surely not, and unfortunately, we cannot even share a timeline, as we were not provided one.

For weekly updates on the fulfilment situation, you can check GamesQuest blog every Tuesday. Next one is tomorrow.


Our next update is scheduled for December 4th, but since this one is very lackluster, we'll surely write something earlier if there is any relevant news.

Thanks for everything and for any question just comment :)

over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 06:27:06 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Where is my game?
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 12:05:54 PM

Hello all,

Hope you are doing good! We would have liked to write a different update today (e.g. how was your kabula game last night?) but here we are with the brutal truth!

Just some delays, game is in great condition, don't panic.


We basically have two bad news, but somehow they become good news at the end, which proves that two wrongs do indeed make a right and we were wrong all along.

Wrong 1

GamesQuest has some delays: More projects running at once, ill employees and so on. For those following their blog, this is not new, many other projects have been in a queue for a few weeks. 

Therefore, despite ships arriving at port on time, things started picking up for us only at the end of last week: Our items started being counted and our PM started answering to mails, etc.

Wrong 2

We had air shipped a few copies to Cyprus for Comic Con this weekend. On Saturday morning we opened one of the three Huge Packages we had, to display it on the table and 


the hero decks and some dungeon cards were missing. We opened a second one. Same thing. We knew what we'd find, but we opened the third and last one. Of course, decks were missing there too.

Needless to say, you can play with less dungeons than usual. No heroes is a different story.

The Right

If there had been no delays at GamesQuest most of you would already have the game...and still could not play. How sad is that?

We immediately contacted our PM at BangWee manufacturing. She fully owned up to the mistake and offered full support to help us solve it. The missing decks were retrieved and labeled with a barcode to make them recognizable. They are being air shipped and will be added into the same carton with each Huge Package before the hubs dispatch them. 

Air shipping takes up to 7 working days, but in our experience can be way faster so we have high hopes for the planets to align, and shipping starting during next week.

Thanks again for all of your patience and support, soon games will be with you!

Final Production Copies and Cyprus Comic Con

Changing the tone:

We spent the weekend playing Kabula with loads of amazing people and it was great. 

Antonio and Kyriakos (Friday at something like 7am after setting up)
Game in progress.

The game was super successful! Everybody loved the theme, mechanics and components.  We are very proud of the final production quality: Cards are great, miniatures exude personality, cardboard print offset is minimal and the board couldn't be flatter. You will have to buy a flatter table, not to show how round it is your current table when compared to Kabula boards!!

More game in progress.

We also sold almost everything we had with us, which is always a good sign. People went the extra mile too e.g. a couple got the core game on day one, played at night, and came to get more Kabula on day two. We are just very thankful and proud of what you all helped us achieve.

We would have preferred you people to be the first ever to get a copy, but we swear they were 11 very nice people (that's how many core boxes we had!) and you'll be next!


We are designing other games, and do not want to talk concretely about Kabula expansions until we get all your feedback and have time to digest it. But be aware that our love for this game is always burning and we keep getting inspiration and ideas for it :)

Have a great week and please bear with us while we get this fulfilment right.

Battle Tutorial and REAL pictures
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 09:20:00 AM

Hi all, welcome to what could be the last KS update before you receive your copy!

It may also be the second last...but definitely not the 3rd last...unless we write more random updates, this would ruin the count. Well. We are very close!


The two ships are currently rounding Panama and Gibraltar respectively. We are referring to the ships specifically, as ShipQuest warned us that we cannot be 100% sure that our containers did not change ship in the meanwhile. Still, we are optimistic that things are going smoothly and have no reason to think otherwise :) ETA to the port in the UK is 13/09 and to the one in the Eash Coast of the USA is 23/09. 

I took this pics at 12:30 CET on Sunday, by when we release the Update, ships will have travelled other 29 hours or so :)

Once the ships arrive, Kabula copies will go through customs and our logistic partners will take charge of them to send them straight to you. We weren't given a time frame for this unfortunately, but it is reasonable to expect 2-3 weeks before you get your package.

Cyprus Comic Con 2023

We will be at CCC23 on 7th-8th October, will any of you be there?

Let us know, we'll be happy to meet you!

By that time, most backers in Europe should have received their copies (it's almost one month after ETA to the UK). But to be on the safe side we air shipped some cartons to Cyprus, which means Kyriakos could send to us some early pictures of REAL KABULA COPIES. 

Cards and cardboard look even better than in the pre-production copy. The adjustments we requested on the previous version were all done very nicely, wooden tokens are double sided, cardboard tokens are very well aligned etc. Miniatures have way more details than the 3D printed versions but also show some mold-lines and the sign of some sprues, which of course weren't there earlier. Looking forward to seeing all in person!

Battle Tutorial

We had promised you a battle tutorial to give you a practical example of how Kabula's action system works, and here it is!

This is literally how we teach new players: You get them to Set Up their hero (good excuse to explain them what the parameters on the dials are, and that you Spend Parts by moving them towards the right) and then you play a couple of rounds of a co-op battle against the Guardian. This gets them up to speed with the action system, our dice, and also shows what you can expect from the Guardian. After this, a normal game will flow very smoothly!

 Is this useful? Anything unclear? Happy to tackle any issue in a second video with more examples.


Thanks as always for all your support so far, this is possibly not the highest funded campaign, but we received the best support, and we hope you'll love the game as much as we do!

If you want to help with choosing the name for our next game, on Discord we are playing the final between:

  • Scarab Sands
  • Myr: Clash of Scarabs 
  • Scarab Skirmish 

(you can also vote here!)

See in 4 weeks!